This past week, I taught on the subject of the offering, and how God does not desire our offering if it is not given from the heart. This is not a difficult concept to understand. With the holidays fast approaching, I’m sure that most of you can think of a family member who only gives because they are expected to. These people tend to put very little effort into the gift. As you unwrap the gift, it becomes clear that this person was not thinking of you when they purchased it. I’m sure the standard sitcom joke of the wife receiving a power tool from her husband comes to mind. So, why would we then assume that God wants our halfhearted worship? Psalms 96:8 says, “Give to the Lord, the glory He deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts”.
The glory He deserves? What glory does the creator of everything deserve? What glory does the Father who sent His Son to die for us deserve? What glory does the God who seeks after us even when we run as far away from Him as possible deserve? We would not hesitate to reward someone for saving our lives. Heck, we reward people for finding our dog. Why would we not look for every opportunity to reward the God who saved us from death? Remember, when you give to God from your heart, you are worshiping your King.