Pathway Family Worship Guide
Pathway Family Worship Guide
- Time and place:
- Have a reading plan.
- Involve the family.
Fear Not! And Don’t Panic!
There is no reason that Christians should fear. Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand.
- Respond with Faith – We trust in God
Thoughts on Prayer
Learning how to pray
“The LORD would speak.. (with Moses) ..face to face, as one speaks to a friend.”
Jesus: “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”
Prayer has been the one practice that cannot be scientifically proven… other than that patients who pray to God & have people praying vocally over them generally do much better & heal faster.
“Prayer is more than a lighted candle,” insists the theologian George A. Buttrick. “It is the contagion of health. It is the pulse of Life.”
A real relationship with God means walking with Him daily, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It means talking with Him intimately,
Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, and left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”
The greatest person who ever lived on this planet was preeminently a Man of prayer. After being Baptized, after meeting most of those who would be his disciples, He sent them home. Before beginning His ministry, He would go into the wilderness and fast and pray for 40 days and nights. At the end of that time Satan came to test Him.
The priority of prayer is found in one way or another on almost every page of the Bible and in every chapter of church history. It is neither a peripheral theme nor an optional extra for the desperate and the devout.
How to “PRAY”: An acronym P=Pause R =Rejoice A=Ask Y=Yield
A 4 fold Circle of Prayer
Your Guide for 15 minutes of Prayer daily
- Choose a time and place
- Sacred meeting between you & God – no interruptions, music, phone,
- Know that He wants to meet you more than you want to meet with Him
- Talk out loud to God,(Whisper if you must)what’s currently on your mind
- If you run out of things to say then just listen.. come expecting to hear
Prayer does not belong to some other time in history, nor to some other type of person more spiritual or disciplined or experienced than you and me. Prayer is nothing at all unless it is a matter of vast and all-consuming importance for each one of us.
And it means listening attentively to his voice because, as Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.”
Rest in Peace
Just like on Christmas Eve, we honor that night before the birth of Jesus.
So, on Hallows Eve, we remember the “saints” who have gone on from this world into God’s eternity. We don’t forget the loved ones who have gone on before us, rather we remember them, visit their graves and leave flowers.
Later in history, when the phrase became ubiquitous, it was often used to refer to the body itself, not the soul. The soul would sleep in the body, and it was wished that the body would find a peaceful rest. This is commonly known as “soul sleep” and is not a Biblical concept. For the Christian, to be “absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”, 2 Corinthians 5:8.
But outside the culture of the wests modernization, in South America, where Catholicism still reigned supreme, the world was still enchanted with spirts, good and evil. The faith merged with some of the cultic beliefs in Mexico and South America. So that throughout the Caribbean island’s & Mexico “All Hallows Eve” became the “Day of the Dead”, when spirits supposedly came back to life and people began to wear dreadful looking costumes to frighten the evil spirits back into their graves (or wherever they came from).
It became a holiday that people looked forward to because of the revelry of the event, (much like “Ash Wednesday” became a Carnival in South America. It is also widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, from cults prior to Christianity.
Sadly, it has lost its innocence. With the rise of the occult beginning in the 1960’s Satan worship, witches, spiritism, talking with the dead, have all become a big part of our culture. More adults participate in “Halloween” than do children. The onslaught of horror movies has taken over, and the pornography industry is cashing in big time. Today in America, the age of disenchantment is over. And despite the efforts of so many atheists, the spirit world is very real to the clear majority of American’s.
It is not unusual to find Christians who today, believe in ghosts, that is departed spirits, come back from the dead to haunt. I’ve done enough funerals to know that most of America’s beliefs about the dead are sadly mistaken. Let me be very clear, “it is appointed for each man once to die, and then comes the judgment”, Hebrews 9:27. Your deceased relatives are not here for you to talk to. They are not up in the sky watching you make that touchdown, so you can look up point up and say, “this one’s for you”.
No one comes back from the dead, or sits in heaven watching you.
But there are evil spirits out there, fallen angels (known as demons) who followed Lucifer, as he became “Satan” and the “Devil” to be thrown out of heaven. They would like you to believe that they are your dead relatives or someone from the past ages, but they are not. One thing for sure, their powers are real. They can lead you into temptation. They can possess people and lead them to many destructive things (even like mass shootings or suicide bombings). The occult is nothing to be trifled with.
In eius dilectione
Pastor Mike
Coffee anyone?
The host offered his guests coffee. He went to the kitchen where he had already prepared the coffee. He picked out a number of different cups and mugs, as he had a good collection. Some were porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, and some exquisite. He brought it into the room with sugar and cream telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
After everyone had chosen a cup, and began to drink their coffee, the host remarked to the group. “If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for us to want only the best for ourselves, that is the source of our problems and stress.
“Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it’s just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup. But, subconsciously, we go for the best cups…and then we began eyeing each other’s cups.
“Now consider this: Life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and, the politics, our position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us.
God brews the coffee, not the cups. Let’s enjoy our coffee.”
When a family suffers a devastating fire in their home a number of things transpire. There is the immediate shock followed by the sense of loss when you start to realize all that was destroyed. The task of sorting through the rubble, is often a very painful task. People often have to move out of the house right away due to health issues or safety problems. That change in itself can be very demoralizing.
At some point you begin to focus on what is really important in life.
It always comes down to loved ones and relationships. You realize that your life was not the house of the things in it. Job, in the Old Testament, experienced this in a major way that. God forbid we will ever have to experience such a nightmare.
The house the clothes, the possessions, were just the cups that hold our lives. God is most concerned about His beloved children.
The cups they come and go. Sometimes in life the cups are beautiful and precious. At other times they are downright disappointments.
But through it all, it is the “coffee” that is important, what God is brewing in our lives.