Did you ever wonder how gravity works? Take a ball. Put something on it. And then give it a good spin. What happens? Whatever you placed on it goes flying out in some random manner. How is it then that the earth spins around and we don’t go flying off? Hmmm! We call it gravitation, the physical force that is responsible for interactions between objects with mass.
We have no idea what makes it work.
Have you ever wondered how that cut on your finger heals? Just keep it clean and you can watch the human body repair itself. How does the body heal itself from some things but not others? Hmmm?
There are rocks that seemingly move across the desert floor, leaving a clear path or trail behind them. How is that possible? Hmmm?
We know that in the beginning there was this giant explosion of mass that sent particles flying out through what seems to be an infinite universe.
And yet many of these objects formed solar systems that interact with one another. How can an explosion that sends things flying out randomly form galaxies that are more accurate than any time piece man can create? Hmmm.
What about cold? What makes something cold? Cold doesn’t exist by itself. Cold is an absence of heat? What if there was no heat? Could there still be cold? Hmmm.
What about the dreaded “Black Holes” in the universe. How could something be so dark, if there were no light? Hmmm.
There are many things in life that we don’t understand. That does not mean that they are not real or that they don’t exist. It simply means that our finite minds cannot comprehend so much of this vast creation of God on either end of the spectrum of life, microscopic or telescopic.
Without heat we could not define cold. Without light there would be no way of comprehending the darkness. God created Light, and He created light before He created the sun and moon and stars. Hmmm.
Everything that God created was good! Once good was created by God then that allowed for the possibility of evil. God didn’t create evil. God created only that which was holy and pure and good. But in creating goodness,
God in His infinite wisdom allowed for the possibility of evil, giving mankind that moral choice between obedience and disobedience.
So why is there so much evil in the world? Evil is not something that you can pour into a bowl. It has no physical presence in and of itself, no more than you could can a jar of “dark”. It only exists when God’s moral creatures, you and I, decide to turn away from the goodness that God has created. Evil exists because of you and me. God created all the goodness and then gave men and women (created in His image) the moral freedom to go along with God’s goodness or rebel against it.
Why is there so much evil in the world?
Easy answer, all I have to do is look in the mirror. Hmmm.