Welcome to KidZone
Our regular Gospel Project Sunday School curriculum is available online during our shelter in place mandate. Contact Leanne for the access info. Other options have been a made available by many different organizations!
Pathway has a RightNow Media membership that gives you access to their video library. Email Leanne if you haven’t set up your account yet.
Here is another alternative for kids: Minno – Church at Home
Here are some verse cards to use and say while washing your hands for 20 seconds!
Here is a Devotional for your family and a fun project as well:
Thanks for entering KidZone, our children’s ministry at Pathway. So, what’s it all about, you ask?

The ZONE is…
Zany programming for kids to have
fun and connect with other incredible kids in a safe and exciting environment. Outreach to the kids and their families in our local community. Our doors are always open to visitors.
Ntimate relationships with Jesus is our focus. Kids can discover faith and learn how to live it in life.
Encouragement & Support for parents by offering Biblical advice and resources.
Feel free to call anytime.
We are honored to partner with you in raising kids in this difficult world. No one should have to face this daunting task alone. We are a family here at Pathway– we’d love for you to be a part of it.
Sundays We offer programming for all kids,
6 months- 5th grade, during the Modern worship service at 10:30 am
They enjoy age-appropriate Bible lessons, crafts, games, music and activities.
Missions All year KidZone kids support 2 children in need from India through Compassion International. During the summer we bring in canned food, school supplies and money to support our local families through the Orangevale Food Bank.
In the winter we make shoebox gifts with Operation Christmas Child for children in need around the world.
In the spring we have a Missions Week dedicated to helping the kids learn more about the missionaries we support at Pathway Fellowship.
Camp KidZone Camp is for 3 year olds through 5th graders. Enjoy the classes, crafts, recreation, friendships, skits, music, and of course the memories that will last a lifetime. Printable registration forms can be found here: KZRegForm
The Team
Our KidZone Crew is made up of numerous men & women who are devoted to God and the children they serve. They are volunteers who are well-trained & committed to living a life of outstanding character for children to follow. You can feel confident leaving your kids in our loving and capable hands!